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World Machine talks about their newest project.

The indie/R&B group is always striving to be the best they could be, and to always create new things. Based in London, they're back with another project, titled "BUSTER". I got the chance to chat with them about it and what's to come next.

What is your new project “BUSTER” focused on?

BUSTER represents the lost and observed. I feel this is the diary of my life from subarban dreams to cultural confusion. The music is strictly from the streets and while I don’t come from the ghetto, was Brian Wilson a surfer? Was Bowie really Ziggy Stardust? The music and lyrics come from a place of realism and the streets for me represents everything real about everybody. It shows different races,religions,opinions, fashions, but contained in a constant flow of just getting to A to B. My favourite thing to do is go in a place like Starbucks especially in London with their big windows and sit and observe everybody walking by. It gives me inspiration, also I feel connected to a bigger picture than my own.

What inspired the new project?

Connection to my surroundings. I feel I finally removed all the superficial bullshit from myself. Lyrically I wanted to express myself as me and not as an idea of the person i wanted to be. I know also that Naz (the songwriter and producer of BUSTER) musically was leaning towards more UK garage and wanted to go in that direction. I feel we have both found a new lease of life writing these new songs and not following the typical routes musically and visually. We are slowly creating the world of BUSTER, and the characters and stories that occupy it.

What can we expect next from you musically?

The first track called “ItsMeBuster” that will be released hopefully by the 30th August. Has a mixture of Garage music’s fast paced eccentricity and modern RNB values. When I speak about our music, I hate to fit it into any box, but we want to do what The Beatles did to American RnB in the 60s !. Frankly we want be the biggest music act of the 20’s.

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