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Let Jared Salte soothe you.

Updated: Nov 12, 2019


If you're familiar with the alternative/pop duo, The Royal Foundry, or you just have an ear for good music, then you probably know who Jared Salte is. Aside from the band with his wife, Bethany, Jared has a solo project. His music is mostly chill and raw, but beautiful nonetheless.

Jared Salte


Firstly, you mentioned that these songs for your solo act are mostly songs that didn't make it as a song for the band, why don't the solo project songs make it as a Jared Salte song?

---> Beth and I are always writing with the intention of The Royal Foundry. Since The Royal Foundry can be a little all over the place in genre, we never want to shoot down any ideas until we complete them. So the solo songs in some shape or form always come from an idea that was too roots or folk influenced to really work well The Royal Foundry sound. A lot of our songwriting starts on the acoustic guitar, so it's very natural to start coming up with ideas that feel good on that instrument which just naturally lead to writing a lot of folk songs.

Do you prefer writing slow and acoustic songs, or upbeat ones, and why?

---> I really just enjoy writing all types of music. I've been in a lot of bands and side projects over the years and explored a lot of different genres. It's just a great way to keep my mind active and exercise my creativity. Usually by the time I'm done writing a lot of upbeat songs, I grow tired of it and want to explore different genres and moods. I think it's a really important process for us to keep our songs fresh and exciting to us.

The Royal Foundry

You recently released your debut EP, what inspired the songs and what links all the songs together?

---> There are a lot of relationship themes tied throughout the album. But the main theme that comes up is "Home", throughout the EP, I spend a lot of time on the road throughout the year and as inspiring and as fun as that can be, it can be really taxing on the soul to be so far away from family and friends. I wouldn't trade what I do for anything, but these songs just reflect what I was feeling at the time and I wanted to reflect that over the EP.

Any last messaged for fans and people who are interested in your music?

---> Thanks so much for listening and all your support. It's really exciting to start this new venture as a songwriter. You can expect more new music from me later on this year. You can find me at @jaredsaltemusic or visit my website;



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